The BioPharmaceutical Industry continues to rapidly advance with development of "cross modality" ultra potent compounds. This complex situation has required innovative thinking and approaches to traditional ways of working concerning scientific development, containment controls, and process design, engineering, and execution.
Merck's advancing pipeline requires a lab capable of delivering GMP quality, ultra-potent antibody drug conjugates (ADCs). As with many of our clients, to do so in a rapid manner meant retrofitting existing space/equipment while delivering the latest containment equipment capable of protecting both the person and the product ("dual simultaneous containment" within one facility). This challenge increased exponentially as we were faced with severe spatial constraints and numerous supply chain issues.
To ensure "right first time" success we had to work smarter and harder! This meant our design approach was striving for perfect communication through visualization tools. This occurred in many forms such as: Teams virtual project meetings, Factory virtual tours via Hololens, Active Virtual development and design reviews, and numerous iterations of 3D models throughout the entire project lifecycle.
This novel approach ensured a seamless transfer of information amongst end users, designers, engineers, equipment fabricators, constructors, and all compliance entities (safety, quality, maintenance, etc.). It also enabled benefits such as "precision installation", expedited protocol development, and augmentation of client's staff to expedite front runs and "final set-ups".
Key features enhanced through our novel approach: